Author Archive


Imaginary Friend…or Foe?

Over half of all preschool-age children will develop a fantasy friend or two. As parents, should we support it as a natural course of social/emotional development? Or is it a sign of loneliness? What if the illusion lasts a year or more? Social psychologist and best-selling author, Susan Newman, PhD, helps us see imaginary friends in a new light.


In Your Words: Mamas Today

How much more do you value your mama now that you are one?! Read on to hear how prominent mom influencers feel their parenting style compare’s to their own moms’.


Integrating Work and Home Life

By Sam Kurtzman-Counter – I was a career girl. Raised by two full-time professional parents in the dizzyingly ambitious ‘burb of Los Angeles, I always focused on career first. I always imagined I’d have a family “one day,” after I crossed A, B, C, D, E, F measures of professional success. But unfortunately, the alphabet kept going, and so did that clock associated with my biology…


Introducing… Ruby!

We knew from the get-go that we wanted the host of our show to be a magical hero who would help our children learn all the social and emotional lessons they were tired of hearing from us. After an exhaustive search for just the right person to fill those shoes, we could not be happier with the result. It is our honor to introduce you to Kelsey Collins, the host of “Ruby’s Studio.”


Join us at BlogHer ’11!

Going to BlogHer? If so, swing by The Mother Company booth for giveaways, vlogging and free lattés! We’d love to see you there.


Join us for an Autism Expert Chat

We’re rounding up a group of professionals, bloggers and parents from within the Autism community to discuss the many issues facing parents of children with Autism. Join us!


Keeping Kids Safe From Sexual Predators

If there’s one thing parents can learn from the horrific cases of child molestation that have been in the news lately, it’s that teaching our children about body safety is more important than ever. But just how do we get the message across that “no one touches your privates” in a way that’s empowering — and not scary — to young children? Safety expert Pattie Fitzgerald tackles this very tough topic.


Kids and Restaurants: Parents Duke It Out

Where do you stand on the debate about banning kids from certain restaurants? Sam Kurtzman-Counter, Exec VP of The Mother Company, shares a couple shocking restaurant experiences and investigates the culture of rabid judgment among parents.


Mondays with the Mamas: Accepting My Dad’s Limitations

It is so hard to accept the limitations of our parents, but doing so can lead to more peace of mind — so illustrates Sam Kurtzman-Counter, TMC President, by offering up an intimate snapshot of her relationship with her dad.