Author Archive


Healthy Ways to Navigate Relationships in These Uncertain Times: Live Discussion and Q&A

Join Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll, Clinical Psychologist and author “Putting Children First: Proven parenting strategies for helping children thrive through divorce” to discuss healthy ways to navigate your relationships that seem particularly challenging under these circumsances. Part of The Mother Company’s expert series on Parenting in a Pandemic.


Talking to Kids About Coronavirus: Live Discussion with Q&A

How do we talk to kids about this pandemic? How can we thoughtfully answer their questions when we have so many ourselves? From parent of toddler to teen, Dr. Cara Natterson is here to help guide us to communicate the importance and gravity of the situation without causing panic and anxiety.


Talking to Children About Death

Grief counselor, Laura Watts, shares helpful advice on how parents and caregivers can talk to children about death, what to expect if they are experiencing grief after a loss and ways to support the child going forward.


Mom Brain is Real

Are you a new parent feeling forgetful and out of sorts? Research suggests there is a significant change to our brains after having children, otherwise known as “mom brain.” What to Expect writer and expert Roselin Raj helps break down the science of mom brain so we can try to give ourselves a break and when in doubt.. blame science.