Author Archive


12 Tips To Get Your Kids School Ready

Kindergarten teacher, Susan Hamilburg, shares some excellent tips for parents on practical things like what to pack and tasks to work on along with how to emotionally prepare their children going in to the school year.


14 Small Ways I Practice Self Care

Abbie Schiller, CEO and founder of The Mother Company, shares tips for self care and why, as parents, it is so necessary to put on our own oxygen mask first.


A Guide to Surviving Fatherhood

In honor of Father’s Day we interviewed Chris Pegula, best selling author and founder of Diaper Dude, to share his insight on facing all of the difficult, yet wonderful challenges of fatherhood.


Backyard Birthday Party with a Colorful Twist

Abbie Schiller, CEO & Founder of The Mother Company, shares ideas and tips for creating a colorful kids birthday party full of surprises, activities and crafty keepsakes for lasting memories.


Bully-proofing Our Children

Education consultant, Ellen Sanchez shares some valuable tools for how children can handle bullying, when to get help and the distinction between tattling and reporting.