Posts Tagged ‘expert advice’


How to Put the Positive in Discipline

Ever find that traditional punishment seems to make behavioral problems worse? Dr. Jane Nelson, MFCC, and author of the famed “Positive Discipline” series, teaches us some disciplinary tactics that work without shame or blame.


How to Stop The Whining

Sometimes we just can’t take it anymore!I We asked (okay, begged) parenting guru Betsy Brown Braun to reveal the secret to get our kids to stop whining. Pleeeeeeeease???


Imaginary Friend…or Foe?

Over half of all preschool-age children will develop a fantasy friend or two. As parents, should we support it as a natural course of social/emotional development? Or is it a sign of loneliness? What if the illusion lasts a year or more? Social psychologist and best-selling author, Susan Newman, PhD, helps us see imaginary friends in a new light.


Nail Polish Boys & Trucker Girls: Gender Exploration in Children

In a world so structured by ideas of what it means to be a boy or a girl, what happens for kids who veer away from these gender “norms?” Stephanie Brill, renowned author and expert in childhood gender variance, gives us a window into the whys and what-to-dos with children who push the boundaries of our gender expectations.


Tips for Multi-generational Living

As a parent with your own children, can you really go home again? Dr. Susan Newman, author of “Under One Roof Again,” gives some doable tips about how you can live happily together in a multi-generational home.


Western “Softies” Stand Up to The Tiger Mom

Berate and belittle your child into a GENIUS?! Did you read “The Tiger Mom” Amy Chua’s excerpt from her upcoming book? Well, we’ve got a rebuttal by sociologist and happiness expert, Christine Carter.


Where Do Babies Come From?

Does your 3-6 year old want to know how a baby got in mommy’s belly? Did you panic because you thought it was time to have “the talk?” Wait! Not so quick! You’ll be glad to hear some insight from Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and author of, “Amazing You,” before you answer the Big Question.