The Mother Co. Mamas (35)


Happy Mother’s Day! Four Experts Give Tips to Get Well-Behaved Kids!

The top gift mothers want for mother’s day this year? “Well-behaved children,” according to a recent TMC poll. So as our gift to you, we offer a bunch of parenting tips from top child development experts – with no tax and free shipping! Happy Mother’s Day to you all – we love being a part of this community.


How a Garden Benefits Kids – VIDEO

Samantha Kurtzman-Counter, President of The Mother Company shares the benefits of creating “an edible garden” with her son Jack.


Integrating Work and Home Life

By Sam Kurtzman-Counter – I was a career girl. Raised by two full-time professional parents in the dizzyingly ambitious ‘burb of Los Angeles, I always focused on career first. I always imagined I’d have a family “one day,” after I crossed A, B, C, D, E, F measures of professional success. But unfortunately, the alphabet kept going, and so did that clock associated with my biology…


Kids and Restaurants: Parents Duke It Out

Where do you stand on the debate about banning kids from certain restaurants? Sam Kurtzman-Counter, Exec VP of The Mother Company, shares a couple shocking restaurant experiences and investigates the culture of rabid judgment among parents.


Mondays with the Mamas: Accepting My Dad’s Limitations

It is so hard to accept the limitations of our parents, but doing so can lead to more peace of mind — so illustrates Sam Kurtzman-Counter, TMC President, by offering up an intimate snapshot of her relationship with her dad.


Mondays with the Mamas: LGBT Parenting

Family structure is diverse these days, and dialogue about what exactly defines family yields rich discussions. TMC President, Sam Kurtzman-Counter, talks about her thoughts on LGBT families and introduces our week of thought-provoking content.

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Nurturing Empathy in Kids

Dr. Lawrence Shapiro helps us learn how to maintain and grow empathy in our kids, and why it’s such a critical quality to preserve.


Mama on a Mission: My quest for meaningful screen time

by Abbie Schiller – As a person who grew up singing songs about “what do you do with the mad that you feel?” from Mister Rogers – I went on a mission seeking the same kind of quality programming for my own child. Why do so few kids’ shows focus on real life characters and themes? I wished that if there was any kind of magic lesson that my child could glean from a TV hero – it would be about all the real life lessons and the questions and issues we faced every day.