Tough Topics (27)


Teaching Children to Accept (and love) Difference

In an increasingly global and diverse world, how can we teach our children to accept and celebrate the differences between people? Dr. Christy Tirrell-Corbin offers up some tips for parents on how to tackle this often challenging subject.


When You Don’t Like Your Child

You love your child with all your heart, but do you ever feel like you just don’t like him/her very much? You aren’t alone. Jennifer Waldburger, author, parenting expert and therapist, addresses this painful issue felt by many.


Where Did He Get Those Blue Eyes?

Growing up mixed race wasn’t easy for Christina Simon. Now, with two mixed children of her own, she’s confronted with how to discuss the tough and tender parts of racial identity.


Where Do Babies Come From?

Does your 3-6 year old want to know how a baby got in mommy’s belly? Did you panic because you thought it was time to have “the talk?” Wait! Not so quick! You’ll be glad to hear some insight from Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and author of, “Amazing You,” before you answer the Big Question.


Why You Need to Talk to your Kids about Race

Feel awkward when your child points out someone’s skin color different from his/her own? Grace Hwang Lynch says, it’s the perfect opportunity to speak candidly about race with our young kids.


What We’re Hearing

Clothes for girls that they can actually move in! Revealing portraits of classrooms from around the world and parental separation anxiety are all explored in articles culled from the web this week.