Author Archive


MUSIC VIDEO: Boss of My Body

Video: “Boss of My Body” — You and your kids will want to move to this super catchy beat, that also sends meaningful messages to kids, ecouraging them to take charge of their bodies.

camp 8

My Girl, Untethered

Abbie’s girl insists on going away to sleepaway camp, but is Mama ready? We know we should embrace our children taking flight, bit it’s not always easy!



Are frights waking your child up in the night? We hear from two sleep experts, Jennifer Waldburger of Sleepy Planet, and Noel Janis-Norton of The New Learning Centre, about their take on how to help our children grapple with those horrible night-triggered fears.

Luker Family Tales

Luker Family Tales raves about When Miles Got Mad, saying “I can definitely see us …


Our First Garden Theater Characters!

Garden Theater will be our puppet show in every episode of RUBY’S STUDIO, where we will get to know this leafy, mulchy, magical world of bug friends.


Making Room for Baby

New baby is coming! How can we help prepare our children for the imminent household revolution? Dr. Debra Lobato, PhD, lends us her words of sibling wisdom.


Our New Sally Simon Simmons iBook – and Giveaway!

We are excited to announce our new “Sally Simon Simmons’ Super Frustrating Day” iBook NOW AVAILABLE on iTunes. Enter our “Sally Rally” giveaway for a chance to win a copy! Read on for details.


Mama on a Mission: My quest for meaningful screen time

by Abbie Schiller – As a person who grew up singing songs about “what do you do with the mad that you feel?” from Mister Rogers – I went on a mission seeking the same kind of quality programming for my own child. Why do so few kids’ shows focus on real life characters and themes? I wished that if there was any kind of magic lesson that my child could glean from a TV hero – it would be about all the real life lessons and the questions and issues we faced every day.


Our Partnership with the Whole Kids Foundation!

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with The Whole Kids Foundation! In support of their first initiative, The Garden Grant Project, we are celebrating all Summer long with free Ruby’s Studio events, activities and gifts for YOU!