Posts Tagged ‘The Mother Company’

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Recognizing Our First Love – Mom.

This mother’s day we sit down with Lisa Erspamer, creator of the book “A Letter to My Mom,” to talk about her experience making the book and why taking the time to recognize our moms is really worth it.


Tantrums, Testing, & Talking Back

The “Three T’s” are the bane of our existence as parents. Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW, offers sage advice on how to manage these turbulent times and maintain our own sanity in the process.


VIDEO — A Mother’s Day

VIDEO– We made this video in homage to all the hard-working mamas out there. We know all about the important load you carry and this is our little gift to you for Mother’s Day.


Visit Ruby at The LA Times Festival of Books!

This is our third year participating in the LA Times Festival of Books and we can’t wait! All the LA families out there, visit our booth for storytime, art projects, and fun with Ruby!


Western “Softies” Stand Up to The Tiger Mom

Berate and belittle your child into a GENIUS?! Did you read “The Tiger Mom” Amy Chua’s excerpt from her upcoming book? Well, we’ve got a rebuttal by sociologist and happiness expert, Christine Carter.


Where Do Babies Come From?

Does your 3-6 year old want to know how a baby got in mommy’s belly? Did you panic because you thought it was time to have “the talk?” Wait! Not so quick! You’ll be glad to hear some insight from Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and author of, “Amazing You,” before you answer the Big Question.


Upcoming events with Ruby!

If you are in the LA area, join us for free family fun at a number of events to celebrate the launch of our new book, “Sally Simon Simmons’ Super Frustrating Day.” Bring the kids to enjoy storytime and crafts with the lovable Ruby.