Got a kid who doesn’t seem interested in sports, art or other activities? Drags his feet at doing chores? Can’t finish what she starts? Our expert, Dr. John Mayer, helps us figure out how to light an appropriate fire under our flock’s behinds.
We’ve all had to navigate through the enormous emotional outbursts that accompany our kids’ frustration. Thanks goodness we’ve got Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW to help us figure out how to manage these overwhelming feelings in our kids – and ourselves!
We all want to raise confident, emotionally healthy kids but, how can we get them to take it to the next level and step in when others are in need? Lauri M. Mattenson gives us five tips.
It can be intimidating to cope with your child’s big feelings, but Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist specializing in relationship based parenting, provides some insightful age-appropriate tips to help parent and child get through to each other.