Identity (24)


Raising our Gender Nonconforming Child: A Q & A

When Anne noticed that her son was more interested in dressed and dolls than super heroes and trains, she knew shed would likely be raising an unconventional boy. What she did not know, was how much she would grow and how he would teach her to see the world through fresh eyes.

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Recognizing Our First Love – Mom.

This mother’s day we sit down with Lisa Erspamer, creator of the book “A Letter to My Mom,” to talk about her experience making the book and why taking the time to recognize our moms is really worth it.


Raising A Boy In Pink

Author, Blogger and Mom, Sarah Hoffman, describes her journey to understanding when her 4 year-old son adamantly expresses his desire to wear a pink dress to school. In this moving account, we get a window into the process of navigating social constraints while embracing our children as uniquely wonderful individuals.


The Art of Manliness

Brett McKay, founder and editor of the popular blog The Art of Manliness, turns to the ancients for his definition of what it is to be a man and father in the modern world.


The Danger of Labeling Kids

Shy. Aggressive. Observer. So many adjectives that define our kids. When and how can labeling harm our children? Lynne Kenney, shares her insight.


The Super Hero and Princess Epidemic

Gina Osher, blogger behind “The Twin Coach,” shares her point of view about the inescapable influence of princesses and super heroes on our children. What’s a concerned parent to do??


Safety Sense for Parents and Kids

How do we teach our children safety rules without scaring them about the big bad world? Pattie Fitzgerald, founder of Safely Ever After, leads the way, sharing sensible and learnable tips.


Where Did He Get Those Blue Eyes?

Growing up mixed race wasn’t easy for Christina Simon. Now, with two mixed children of her own, she’s confronted with how to discuss the tough and tender parts of racial identity.