Tough Topics (27)


Moms and Medication

Are you using medication to help ease your depression or anxiety? Did this choice happen after you had children? You’re not alone. Laura Markham, Ph.D., gives us some empathy and insight into moms using meds.


Playing with Private Parts

Your child has discovered his/her privates and is unabashedly amused by this newfound pastime. Check out what Dr. Steven C. Atkins, author of “Talking to Your Kids about Sex” has to say about it.

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Recognizing Our First Love – Mom.

This mother’s day we sit down with Lisa Erspamer, creator of the book “A Letter to My Mom,” to talk about her experience making the book and why taking the time to recognize our moms is really worth it.


Raising A Boy In Pink

Author, Blogger and Mom, Sarah Hoffman, describes her journey to understanding when her 4 year-old son adamantly expresses his desire to wear a pink dress to school. In this moving account, we get a window into the process of navigating social constraints while embracing our children as uniquely wonderful individuals.


Talking about Death with Your Kids

Explaining death to a young child can be extraordinarily difficult. Two experts from The Dougy Center for Grieving Children & Families share some gentle and simple ways to tackle one of the toughest topics in life.


Talking About Devastating News with our Kids

When disaster strikes it is nearly impossible to shield our children from the media. How do we talk to our kids about terrible news in a way that makes them still feel safe in this world? Safety expert Pattie Fitzgerald offers parents some helpful advice to help us all move through tragedy.


Talking to Boys About Their Bodies

An interview with best selling author Dr. Cara Natterson offering advice for parents on how they can talk to boys about their bodies as they enter puberty and express their feelings without feeling ashamed.


Talking to Your Child about Adoption

“Where did I come from?” For parents of adopted children, this question can be especially tough. Astrid Dabbeni, executive director of Portland’s Adoption Mosaic, offers tips and resources for when and how to have those earliest conversations about adoption.


The Naked Truth

Get the naked truth about how to talk to your children about their private parts from sex educator Dr. Laura Berman, author of “Talking to your Kids about Sex”, and host of “The Dr. Laura Berman Show” on Oprah Radio. We heard your questions on FB and Twitter — read on to find some answers!