Health & Wellness (44)


Potty Talk 911

A frank conversation between straight-shooting parenting guru, Betsy Brown Braun, and TMC Exec VP Sam Kurtzman-Counter, about how to handle her son’s current obsession with rear ends and what they do best…


The Burden of Birth Order

How much are our kids’ personalities shaped by the order in which they were born? Will every middle child have a Jan Brady complex or is there something we can do about it? Renowned family therapist and author, Meri Wallace, helps us combat the birth order blues.


The Family Bed: Is it Right for your Family?

Some families love it and some families hate it: the family bed. Does it work for your unit? Elizabeth Pantley, sleep expert, helps you get to the bottom of it.

Sex After Kids 0

Sex after Kids

Too tired, too distracted, too…everything. But, Ian Kerner, sex expert says, parents need to get down in order to keep the marriage tip-top.


The Imperfect Mother

Funny and comforting, Kyran Pittman, the popular blogger behind “Planting Dandelions,” skewers her valiant attempts to achieve the perfect motherhood.


Staying Married With Children

Having a healthy, loving relationship with your spouse can be challenging once you become parents. Dr. Pamela Varady shares tips on how to keep the flame alive and strengthen your family in the process.


Surviving the Big Move with Kids

Moving is one of the biggest stressors out there — and with the kids? Ouch! Kelcey Kintner, popular blogger behind “The Mama Bird Diaries,” shares tips on how she (and her kids) are grappling.


The Room Parent Dilemma: How to Lighten the Load

Feeling strapped with all the volunteering commitments you’ve made at your kid’s school? Amy Mascott, creator of the blog “teachmama,” shares five tips to manage the load more effectively.


The Science of Parental Love

What is it that makes us feel crazy love for our children (even when they drive us nuts?!) We turn to science for the answer.