Ask The Experts: What’s the Deal with Boys + Guns?
Is the fascination guns hold for boys part of their DNA? Maybe so says Michael Thompson and Nancy Carlsson-Paige, both authors and child development experts.
Is the fascination guns hold for boys part of their DNA? Maybe so says Michael Thompson and Nancy Carlsson-Paige, both authors and child development experts.
It’s a conversation you probably never thought you’d have, so how exactly do you tell your child that you and your spouse are getting divorced? And how do you do it in such a way that helps your child feel loved and secure? Child development specialist Dr. Robyn Silverman has seven tips for turning that incredibly difficult discussion into a healthy, supportive dialogue for all.
It is tempting to allow a child to remain blissfully ignorant of racial issues for as long as possible. But at what age should we begin to help them form a foundation for understanding racial difference? Dr. Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley, continues this important conversation.
Being left out is the worst. But does frequent exclusionary behavior mean your child is a budding bully? Get into the heads of our young children to find out how and why they turn to excluding their peers. Suzanne Fanger, early childhood expert, breaks it down.
You know those moments when your child does or says that thing that requires you to leave the room — or else? That deep feeling of anger can be shocking. How can our beautiful, cherished children push our buttons so? Ruth Beaglehole, MA, an expert on
non-violent parenting, fills us in on this totally normal reaction to our children.
New baby is coming! How can we help prepare our children for the imminent household revolution? Dr. Debra Lobato, PhD, lends us her words of sibling wisdom.
New baby is coming! How can we help prepare our children for the imminent household revolution? Dr. Debra Lobato, PhD, lends us her words of sibling wisdom.
Gina Osher, blogger behind “The Twin Coach,” shares her point of view about the inescapable influence of princesses and super heroes on our children. What’s a concerned parent to do??
How do we teach our children safety rules without scaring them about the big bad world? Pattie Fitzgerald, founder of Safely Ever After, leads the way, sharing sensible and learnable tips.