Posts Tagged ‘parenting tips’


Separation Anxiety and School

Both parents and children have big feelings about the first day of school. Mary Hartzell, a longtime early childhood educator, wrote an article about the separation anxiety felt by both parent and child.


Setting Limits for the Little Ones

The time has come. Your toddler is testing his boundaries and determining what s/he can and can’t get away with. This is when parenting kicks in on a whole different level. Enter Dr. Robert MacKenzie, author of several books about setting limits for children, to share his insight.


Talking to Your Child about Adoption

“Where did I come from?” For parents of adopted children, this question can be especially tough. Astrid Dabbeni, executive director of Portland’s Adoption Mosaic, offers tips and resources for when and how to have those earliest conversations about adoption.


Teaching Children Respect

Respect often seems like an elusive goal for young children. Can respect even be taught? Indeed, parenting expert Sue Atkins offers ten easy ways parents can teach (and show) kids a little
R-E-S-P-E-C-T .


The Super Hero and Princess Epidemic

Gina Osher, blogger behind “The Twin Coach,” shares her point of view about the inescapable influence of princesses and super heroes on our children. What’s a concerned parent to do??


Safety Sense for Parents and Kids

How do we teach our children safety rules without scaring them about the big bad world? Pattie Fitzgerald, founder of Safely Ever After, leads the way, sharing sensible and learnable tips.


What is “Fair” for Siblings?

Ever feel like no matter how “fair” you are with your kids, they’re never satisfied? Is it possible to make siblings feel equal? Nancy Samalin, author of “Loving Each One Best: A Caring and Practical Approach to Raising Siblings” helps parents deal with those inevitable sibling inequalities.