Parenting Partner? Exploring the Caregiver Relationship

Our relationships with caregivers can be very tricky. Candi Windgate, child expert and founder of Nannies 4 Hire, gives us the tools to navigate through this often blessed – and often conflicted – relationship.


Mom? Or personal assistant?!

Kelcey Kintner, popular blogger behind “The Mama Bird Diaries,” shares her thoughts on how to maximize the pleasure of parenting and minimize the pain.


Parenting While Caring for Aging Parents

As people are living longer and raising kids later in life, many parents are struggling with the particular demands of parenting teens while caring for their aging parents. Judy Zexter, psychotherapist and teen parenting expert, breaks down the challenges and urges parents to practice self care.


How to Avoid Raising a Praise Junkie

We all want to raise confident kids, but in our quest to encourage and affirm positive qualities in our children, are we really just creating a generation of “praise junkies”? Here’s how to recognize the telltale signs that a child is becoming dependent on praise and what you can do to foster your child’s internal courage and sense of self-worth.


Plugged In and Missing Out

iPads are cool – but what happens when they rule? Heidi Lindelof reflects on what we miss when we’re so absorbed in our gadgets we stop noticing the swirl of what’s happening in front of us.


How to Defeat Morning Battles

It’s morning. You’re rushing to get out the door. You’re child refuses to cooperate. Now what?! Jody McVittie, MD to the rescue – with tips to ensure a morning without stress.


How to Fix a Spoiled Attitude in Four Steps

Four tips to curb and change a spoiled attitude from Dr. Michele Borba.


Raising a Gender Nonconforming Child

Self-proclaimed, “guy’s guy,” Matt Duron, has a gender nonconforming son, and accepts his boy for all of who he is.


Raising an Only Child

Raising one child is a choice many parents are making in this modern age. Susan Newman, best-selling author, loads us up with tips on the unique (and not unique at all) aspects of raising an Only.


Tech-Free Time

The portrait of modern parenting is one hand on the feeding spoon and the other on the Blackberry. Jill Spivack, LCSW gives us a few pointers on how to unplug our families from the magnetic pull of our online times.