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Getting Your Kids to Eat

Are you stressing out about your kid’s eating habits (or lack thereof!?) Ellyn Satter, internationally renowned expert on kids, nutrition, and healthy eating habits, calms us down with fool-proof tips to get some nutrition in those bellies (or at least stop worrying about it.)


Good Enough vs. Never Enough

Are you constantly struggling to try to achieve perfect parenthood? Or do you accept yourself for all your strengths and weaknesses? Authors of the work/life balance guide, “Good Enough is the New Perfect”, Becky Beaupre Gillespie and Hollee Schwartz Temple, elucidate this battle of Modern Mommyhood.


Halloween — Ban the Booty?

Robin Miller, best-selling cookbook author, nutritionist, and star of The Food Network television show “Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller”, shares her advice on how to deal with all the tootsie rolls, milky ways, and smarties coming our way.


Happy Mother’s Day! Four Experts Give Tips to Get Well-Behaved Kids!

The top gift mothers want for mother’s day this year? “Well-behaved children,” according to a recent TMC poll. So as our gift to you, we offer a bunch of parenting tips from top child development experts – with no tax and free shipping! Happy Mother’s Day to you all – we love being a part of this community.


Helping Siblings Share a Room

Sharing a room with a sibling can bring up all sorts of conflict! Dr. Roni Leiderman shares tips and insights on how to keep the peace while sharing space.


How to Motivate Your Child

Got a kid who doesn’t seem interested in sports, art or other activities? Drags his feet at doing chores? Can’t finish what she starts? Our expert, Dr. John Mayer, helps us figure out how to light an appropriate fire under our flock’s behinds.


How to Put the Positive in Discipline

Ever find that traditional punishment seems to make behavioral problems worse? Dr. Jane Nelson, MFCC, and author of the famed “Positive Discipline” series, teaches us some disciplinary tactics that work without shame or blame.


How to Stop The Whining

Sometimes we just can’t take it anymore!I We asked (okay, begged) parenting guru Betsy Brown Braun to reveal the secret to get our kids to stop whining. Pleeeeeeeease???


How Your Child Makes Friends

Making friends can be rough. How can we help our little ones learn how to make lasting, healthy friendships and walk away from the damaging ones they will inevitably experience? Pediatric psychologist and author, Lynne Kenney, lays the foundation.


Imaginary Friend…or Foe?

Over half of all preschool-age children will develop a fantasy friend or two. As parents, should we support it as a natural course of social/emotional development? Or is it a sign of loneliness? What if the illusion lasts a year or more? Social psychologist and best-selling author, Susan Newman, PhD, helps us see imaginary friends in a new light.