Emotions (39)

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Nurturing Empathy in Kids

Dr. Lawrence Shapiro helps us learn how to maintain and grow empathy in our kids, and why it’s such a critical quality to preserve.


Parenting Together with Less Conflict

When it comes to co-parenting, conflict is inevitable. How can we lessen the tension, and deepen the understanding? Lisa Schab, L.C.S.W., gives a detailed interview, giving us tools to problem-solve.


Moms and Medication

Are you using medication to help ease your depression or anxiety? Did this choice happen after you had children? You’re not alone. Laura Markham, Ph.D., gives us some empathy and insight into moms using meds.


Parenting Together with Less Conflict

When it comes to co-parenting, conflict is inevitable. How can we lessen the tension, and deepen the understanding? Lisa Schab, L.C.S.W., gives a detailed interview, giving us tools to problem-solve.


Raising Confident Kids

As our kids grow, peer pressure has power. How do we arm our littles with the tools to stand-up for themselves?


How to Avoid Raising a Praise Junkie

We all want to raise confident kids, but in our quest to encourage and affirm positive qualities in our children, are we really just creating a generation of “praise junkies”? Here’s how to recognize the telltale signs that a child is becoming dependent on praise and what you can do to foster your child’s internal courage and sense of self-worth.

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Recognizing Our First Love – Mom.

This mother’s day we sit down with Lisa Erspamer, creator of the book “A Letter to My Mom,” to talk about her experience making the book and why taking the time to recognize our moms is really worth it.


Separation Anxiety and School

Both parents and children have big feelings about the first day of school. Mary Hartzell, a longtime early childhood educator, wrote an article about the separation anxiety felt by both parent and child.


The Imperfect Mother

Funny and comforting, Kyran Pittman, the popular blogger behind “Planting Dandelions,” skewers her valiant attempts to achieve the perfect motherhood.


Surviving the Big Move with Kids

Moving is one of the biggest stressors out there — and with the kids? Ouch! Kelcey Kintner, popular blogger behind “The Mama Bird Diaries,” shares tips on how she (and her kids) are grappling.