Posts Tagged ‘setting limits’


Do Time-Outs Work?

How’s the time-out working for ya? If your experience is like lots of parents, you might be seeking alternatives to what often ends up in a battle of wills. Noel Janis-Norton shares how “earning privileges” is another good alternative to the much-debated Time-Out.


How to Protect Your Kids From Porn

Best selling author, pediatrician and parenting consultant Cara Natterson offers advice for parents to help limit their child’s exposure to online porn and form healthier screen habits.


Setting Limits for the Little Ones

The time has come. Your toddler is testing his boundaries and determining what s/he can and can’t get away with. This is when parenting kicks in on a whole different level. Enter Dr. Robert MacKenzie, author of several books about setting limits for children, to share his insight.


To Spank or Not to Spank

What do you think about the use of spanking as a discipline tool? Effective? Not effective? This piece features two opposing views on the merits and demerits of physically disciplining kids.