Got a kid who doesn’t seem interested in sports, art or other activities? Drags his feet at doing chores? Can’t finish what she starts? Our expert, Dr. John Mayer, helps us figure out how to light an appropriate fire under our flock’s behinds.
No one enjoys saying “No” to their kids – the tantrums, the whining – it can be tempting to just give in. But what does giving in really teach our children? Child development and behavioral specialist Betsy Brown Braun explains how best to say “No” and why your children will reap the benefits in the long term.
Making friends can be rough. How can we help our little ones learn how to make lasting, healthy friendships and walk away from the damaging ones they will inevitably experience? Pediatric psychologist and author, Lynne Kenney, lays the foundation.
Being left out is the worst. But does frequent exclusionary behavior mean your child is a budding bully? Get into the heads of our young children to find out how and why they turn to excluding their peers. Suzanne Fanger, early childhood expert, breaks it down.
Gina Osher, blogger behind “The Twin Coach,” shares her point of view about the inescapable influence of princesses and super heroes on our children. What’s a concerned parent to do??