Posts Tagged ‘discipline’

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How to Get Your Siblings to Get Along

As much as we want our kids to get along, the truth is, all siblings fight. It can be exhausting trying to keep things calm. Noël Janis-Norton, author of Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting, sheds light on creating peace between siblings–by staying out it!


How to Put the Positive in Discipline

Ever find that traditional punishment seems to make behavioral problems worse? Dr. Jane Nelson, MFCC, and author of the famed “Positive Discipline” series, teaches us some disciplinary tactics that work without shame or blame.

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How to Say “No” to Your Kids and Why They’ll Thank You Later

No one enjoys saying “No” to their kids – the tantrums, the whining – it can be tempting to just give in. But what does giving in really teach our children? Child development and behavioral specialist Betsy Brown Braun explains how best to say “No” and why your children will reap the benefits in the long term.


Parenting is Not Getting Easier!

Might reward charts change your kids behavior — for good? Jessica Shyba, popular blogger behind, “Momma’s Gone City” is giving them a go!


The Breakdown on Big Feelings

It can be intimidating to cope with your child’s big feelings, but Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist specializing in relationship based parenting, provides some insightful age-appropriate tips to help parent and child get through to each other.


Tantrums, Testing, & Talking Back

The “Three T’s” are the bane of our existence as parents. Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW, offers sage advice on how to manage these turbulent times and maintain our own sanity in the process.


To Spank or Not to Spank

What do you think about the use of spanking as a discipline tool? Effective? Not effective? This piece features two opposing views on the merits and demerits of physically disciplining kids.


Twitter Chat: Let’s Talk about Disciplining Our Kids

You hear it at the park, at school and on the neighborhood corner. What should I do when my kid (fill the blank in here.) Join The Mother Company for a roundtable twitter chat featuring experts in the field of early childhood development to discuss how best to discipline our children. We want to hear what you have to say!


What Happens When Parents Yell at Children

You blow your top trying to solve a conflict with your child, and the situation deteriorates further. Quick! Read this interview with Dr. Laura Markham, who loads us up with tips on how to get your kids to do what they don’t want to do — without yelling!