Posts Tagged ‘conflict-resolution’


Fighting in Front of the Kids?

Should parents argue in front of their kids or keep it behind closed doors? Could there be any benefit for the little ones to witness parental conflict? Judith Sherven, PhD, an expert in conflict resolution, helps us work it out.


Learning to Fight Fair

Grown-ups have a hard enough time fighting fair, so what do we do to help our kids deploy problem-solving skills? Dr. Heather Turgeon shares some valuable tools for helping our kids solve conflict.

Siblings Chat 2

Twitter Chat: Let’s talk about Siblings

Please join ​The Mother Company, ​ Dr. Laura Markham and Kids in the House​ for a fascinating chat about Siblings! ​Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12​:30pm pacific/3:30pm eastern


What To Do When Kids Fight

In our modern culture of “hands-on” parenting, when is it appropriate to let kids just duke it out? At what point should parents intervene to help resolve conflict? Michael Grose, renowned Australian parenting expert, shares his insight.


What To Do When Kids Fight

In our modern culture of “hands-on” parenting, when is it appropriate to let kids just duke it out? At what point should parents intervene to help resolve conflict? Michael Grose, renowned Australian parenting expert, shares his insight.