Posts Tagged ‘anxiety’


Small Support Starting July 6th

Our CEO, expert moderator and life coach, Abbie Schiller, has partnered with psychologist and parenting expert, Jenna Laski, to create a 4-week support group on Zoom. If you are feeling at wit’s end, overwhelmed, and anxious, or just wanting to become a better you, we will offer coaching and guidance to help you work with to move through hard feelings, manage your thoughts, and offer help for you both individually, and as a parent.


Hard feelings: Experiencing + Easing the Discomfort of Uncertainty, Depression and Anxiety: Live Discussion and Q&A

Join us for another empowering, supportive and uplifting talk with Jennifer Waldburger, MSW on the emotional toll of this time. We’ll talk about experiencing brain fog, processing trauma, and slipping into (or being in) depression. This talk is about feeling the discomfort of feelings like uncertainty, grief, and anxiety. We will normalize these ups and downs and offer tools to help you – and your children – cope.


Facing Fear with Fun After Dark!

Who says summer fun needs to stop just because the sun goes down? Grab the bug spray and get ready to stay up late with ten safe activities for enjoying summer nights with your kids!


Halloween and the Importance of Make-Believe

Halloween lurks, and the excitement is tangible. Why do kids love getting dressed-up? Does this kind of make-believe serve our children on deeper levels beyond just the fun factor? Dorothy Singer, research scientist and author shrieks a blood-curdling, “Yes!”