Happiness (22)


2 Simple Tips for Positive Parenting

What do you do when you’re at your wit’s end as a parent? TMC President, Sam Kurtzman-Counter, offers some tips to help you reconnect with your kids and regain the positive in parenting.


5 Tips to Yell Less and Love More This Holiday Season

Holidays got you stressed out? Find yourself losing your patience with your kids? Sheila McCraith aka The Orange Rhino, shares her tried and true tips for yelling less and loving more this holiday season.


Can you say “I Love You” Too Often?

Should you ever deny yourself the urge to say “I love you” to your kids? Dr. Christine Carter, sociologist and happiness expert at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center says, as a matter of fact, yes.

Mother Company Father's Day Ideas 7

Daring a Road Trip with your Kids

Road trip on the horizon? Anxiety about what to do with energetic children wanting to get to the destination yesterday? Never fear. Read on for ideas about what to do to keep your children, and even yourself, having fun for hours!


Developing a Child’s Self-Esteem

Ten insightful behaviors/attitudes to *avoid* if you want to raise your child with strong self-esteem with Wendy Young of Kidlutions.


Happy Mother’s Day! Four Experts Give Tips to Get Well-Behaved Kids!

The top gift mothers want for mother’s day this year? “Well-behaved children,” according to a recent TMC poll. So as our gift to you, we offer a bunch of parenting tips from top child development experts – with no tax and free shipping! Happy Mother’s Day to you all – we love being a part of this community.


How to Shake Mom Guilt

An essay from a busy working mother, Christy Wright, owner of Business Boutique, sharing her insight on how to shake mom guilt and focus on what is most important.


Nail Polish Boys & Trucker Girls: Gender Exploration in Children

In a world so structured by ideas of what it means to be a boy or a girl, what happens for kids who veer away from these gender “norms?” Stephanie Brill, renowned author and expert in childhood gender variance, gives us a window into the whys and what-to-dos with children who push the boundaries of our gender expectations.


How to Change Your Life

Abbie Schiller, CEO & Founder of The Mother Company shares how to create a “Vision Quest” in which you take the time to sit down and really think about your goals and how you can achieve them.