With over six million impressions, The Mother company hosted a successful Twitter chat about kids on the autism spectrum. Leading autism experts, like Anna Kennedy, OBE contributed their tips. Read on for highlights.
We’re rounding up a group of professionals, bloggers and parents from within the Autism community to discuss the many issues facing parents of children with Autism. Join us!
Do loud noises and stimulating situations send your little one into overload? Are his jeans “too rough” and his shirt tags “too itchy”? Doctors Lucy Jane Miller and Sarah Schoen, experts in the field of Sensory Processing Disorder, shed light on this common condition.
Do the benefits of medications for behavioral conditions such as ADHD and ADD outweigh the risks? Dr. Marilyn Wedge offers some important statistics about the increasing number of children receiving medications in the U.S., and discusses some alternative therapies.
Most parents have experienced the awkwardness that can occur when their child asks about a person’s disability right in front of them. Dr. Bettie Youngs shares ways we can teach our children to be compassionate about disability and difference in general.
1 in 88 children in this country have Autism. That’s over 1 million kids! We all are – or will be – touched by Autism in our lifetime. Lisa Goring from Autism Speaks helps us build awareness and understanding for the life experience of parents and kids in this ever-growing community.