Divorce (4)


Discussing Divorce

It’s a conversation you probably never thought you’d have, so how exactly do you tell your child that you and your spouse are getting divorced? And how do you do it in such a way that helps your child feel loved and secure? Child development specialist Dr. Robyn Silverman has seven tips for turning that incredibly difficult discussion into a healthy, supportive dialogue for all.


Divorce and the Single Parent

Learning to parent alone can be a huge struggle. Dr. Savitri Dixon-Saxon, a single mother herself, offers advice on single parenting after divorce.


Some Guidance on Parenting Alone

Parenting alone takes the rigor of the all-important job to the next level. Parenting expert, Sue Atkins, shares some guidance to help single parents tackle the challenge of doing it all!


To Divorce or Not to Divorce?

Is divorce always a bad thing? Can it ever be the best move for your family? Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll answers all our questions about this difficult topic and how it may affect your kids.