Communication (27)


5 Ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence

Curious about your kid’s IQ? Studies show it’s best to concentrate on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) first. Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist and parenting specialist, offers useful tips on EQ and how to foster it.


A Prescription for Busy Parents – VIDEO

Samantha Kurtzman-Counter, President of The Mother Company shares her prescription for “multi-tasking fatigue.” Enter, “Special Time,” a technique all busy Moms should try!


Bully-proofing Our Children

Education consultant, Ellen Sanchez shares some valuable tools for how children can handle bullying, when to get help and the distinction between tattling and reporting.


Can you say “I Love You” Too Often?

Should you ever deny yourself the urge to say “I love you” to your kids? Dr. Christine Carter, sociologist and happiness expert at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center says, as a matter of fact, yes.


Cultivating Kindness in Our Kids

Have an aggressive kid? Dr. Beth Onufrak offers rich and deep information on what drives kids to be more domineering than others, and how to guide them towards kindness.


Giving Your Child The Right to be Unhappy

Of course we want our kids to be happy, but if we always make everything “all better,” how can they learn to understand and express their true feelings? Betsy Brown Braun shares tips for guiding and supporting children through their unhappiness.


How Parental Worry Affects Our Kids

Worry and parenting seem to go hand-in-hand. Dr. Beth Onufrak says it’s the way parents cope with worry, that matters for our kids.


How to Get Your Child to Talk about Their Day

What in the world did your child experience while away today at school or daycare? For ways to elicit that sought after intel, Betsy Brown Braun lists nine effective strategies.

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How to Get Your Siblings to Get Along

As much as we want our kids to get along, the truth is, all siblings fight. It can be exhausting trying to keep things calm. Noël Janis-Norton, author of Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting, sheds light on creating peace between siblings–by staying out it!