The Power of “Yes”

“Don’t!” “Stop it!” “That’s not okay!” Feeling like a broken record when speaking to your child? Mary Hartzell, early childhood development expert says, injecting more (reasonable) “yeses” in a day will help everyone feel better.


To Spank or Not to Spank

What do you think about the use of spanking as a discipline tool? Effective? Not effective? This piece features two opposing views on the merits and demerits of physically disciplining kids.

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Top Parenting Experts Take On: SIBLING RIVALRY

Sibling rivalry is tough, and not just on the kids! TMC president Sam Kurtzman-Counter asks experts Dr. Joshua Sparrow, Dr. Laura Markham, and Dr. Pamela Varady to weigh in on how parents can help resolve conflict and up the love between sibs.


When Regression Comes with a New Sibling

Is your child regressing with the arrival of the new sibling? Dr. Laura Kauffman shares her tips on how to make the sibling transition a positive one.


Why Kids Behave Badly with Their Parents

Why are our kids little angels at school/daycare/playdates and then the horns come out as soon as they’re home? Dr. Heather Wittenberg gives us some insight into the nature of the beast.


Why Kids Behave Badly with Their Parents

Why are our kids little angels at school/daycare/playdates and then the horns come out as soon as they’re home? Dr. Heather Wittenberg gives us some insight into the nature of the beast.


What To Do When Kids Fight

In our modern culture of “hands-on” parenting, when is it appropriate to let kids just duke it out? At what point should parents intervene to help resolve conflict? Michael Grose, renowned Australian parenting expert, shares his insight.


What To Do When Kids Fight

In our modern culture of “hands-on” parenting, when is it appropriate to let kids just duke it out? At what point should parents intervene to help resolve conflict? Michael Grose, renowned Australian parenting expert, shares his insight.


What to do When Your Child is Having a Meltdown

Dr. Claudia M. Gold gives us five easy tips on what to do, in the moment, when your child is melting down — help us, please!