Little Bullies? When Kids Leave Kids Out

Being left out is the worst. But does frequent exclusionary behavior mean your child is a budding bully? Get into the heads of our young children to find out how and why they turn to excluding their peers. Suzanne Fanger, early childhood expert, breaks it down.


Little Negotiators

Is negotiating with children a terrible loss of parental control, or can it be beneficial to developing healthy kids and healthy homes? Susan Stiffelman weighs both sides of the argument.


Our Little Liars

What should we do when we catch our kids lying? Dr. Laura Markham offers some helpful hints to build trust and diminish deceit.


How to Fix a Spoiled Attitude in Four Steps

Four tips to curb and change a spoiled attitude from Dr. Michele Borba.


Quiz: Does your Kid Act Spoiled?

Take a quick quiz to see if your child is spoiled!


The Breakdown on Big Feelings

It can be intimidating to cope with your child’s big feelings, but Dr. Laura Markham, clinical psychologist specializing in relationship based parenting, provides some insightful age-appropriate tips to help parent and child get through to each other.


The Drawbacks to Medicating Children

Do the benefits of medications for behavioral conditions such as ADHD and ADD outweigh the risks? Dr. Marilyn Wedge offers some important statistics about the increasing number of children receiving medications in the U.S., and discusses some alternative therapies.


Tantrums, Testing, & Talking Back

The “Three T’s” are the bane of our existence as parents. Jennifer Waldburger, LCSW, offers sage advice on how to manage these turbulent times and maintain our own sanity in the process.


Teaching Children Respect

Respect often seems like an elusive goal for young children. Can respect even be taught? Indeed, parenting expert Sue Atkins offers ten easy ways parents can teach (and show) kids a little
R-E-S-P-E-C-T .


The Perils of Privilege

According to psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Madeline Levine, teenagers born to affluent families suffer disproportionate rates of depression and other disorders. Why? Sometimes parents’ best intentions can backfire terribly; Dr. Levine points out the pitfalls of privilege and offers solutions to turn the tide for the next generation of teens.