What We’re Hearing

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Five posts gathered from around the web meant to support and inspire our parenting.

The Real Family Rules: Kristen Welch, blogger for Huffington Post, slams down the reality of her imperfect life, revolting against filtered photographs and deliriously happy status posts.

What Schools Can Do to Help Boys Succeed: Three school reforms to help our boys stay engaged to learn, from Christina Hoff Sommers of Time Magazine.

Kids React to Gay Marriage: This viral video is produced by The Fine Brothers. They interview kids about their thoughts on gay marriage after the children watch a couple of gay marriage proposals.

Study: Mobile usage soars among US kids and toddlers:  Common Sense Media released a report with staggering statistics of the rise of media consumption by our youngest.

How to Raise a Positive Thinker: Optimism as a practical skill that can be taught, practiced, and learned — providing our kids a tool for more self-esteem and greater human connections.

Please share any thoughts or questions you might have below in the comments section.  We love hearing from you!

The Mother Company aims to support parents and their children, providing thought-provoking web content and products based in social and emotional learning for children ages 3-6. Check out episodes of our “Ruby’s Studio” children’s video series,  along with our beautiful children’s booksappsmusichandmade dolls, and more.

Posted in: Expert Advice, Gay Parenting, Health & Wellness, Modern Parenting, School