What We’re Hearing
A weekly round-up of posts we came across that helped us, inspired us or just made us feel something meaningful.
Kidlutions printable: A print-out with mood-lifting colors and friendly reminders on how to be the best parent you can possibly be.
Twitter chat: The Mother Company hosted a chat about discipline and our kids. The turn-out was huge, and the discussion robust and informative. Our experts included Amy McCready, Dr. Susan Newman and Wendy Young who offered up helpful tips on how best to discipline our kids. Surprise guests included Dr. Lynne Kennedy, Sue Atkins and Dr. Beth Onufrak.
The Naked Truth: An article with Dr. Laura Berman about how to discuss with our children their private parts and nakedness. Timely these days, since young children prefer their birthday suits when the weather heats up!
Don’t Make Your Children the Exception to Every Rule: An article by Lisa Damour for the NYTimes Motherlode blog. Damour talks about the essential character traits parents should develop in their children to give them a better shot at fulfillment and happiness.
The Friendship Show clip: Watch this charming clip and then share what friendship means to you (or your kids!) in the comment section below. You can send videos or images and the winner will receive a goodie bag from The Mother Company, including DVDs and books.
Please share your thoughts/anecdotes/musings about this topic below in the comments section. We love hearing from you!
The Mother Company aims to support parents and their children, providing thought-provoking web content and products based in social and emotional learning for children ages 3-6. Check out episodes of our “Ruby’s Studio” children’s video series, along with our beautiful children’s books, apps, music, handmade dolls, and more.
Posted in: Uncategorized, Parental Wisdom